
Cyber Security Resources Center

Explore our Cyber Security Resource Center for up-to-date information on cloud-based cyber security technology. With comprehensive resources on current cyber security topics, you’ll build a strong defense strategy for your business. Stay informed and protected by leveraging these tools.

How To's - Improving Your Cyber Security Posture:

FCX Data Security Posture Management Process Tile
FCX' Data Security Posture Management Process (PDF)

Download our 10-step process to reach the right decision and reduces data breach risks. Strengthen your organization's security posture by implementing these essential steps. Download now to safeguard your data professionally and efficiently.

10 tips for Choosing a Strong
Digital Password (PDF)

Protect your sensitive information from cyber attacks by prioritizing password security. 80% of breaches occur due to weak or reused passwords, according to CRN. Download our free guide to learn how to create strong and secure passwords.

Compliance (FCX Webpage)

Lists most important laws to comply with per industry in NY, NJ and CT.

Link to Ready.gov "Be Prepared for a Cyberattack" PDF

FEMA has a new PDF guide for staff to boost your organization's cybersecurity. It provides insights on maintaining a secure network infrastructure. Download and review it to enhance your organization’s cybersecurity.

Resources Offered by the City of New York, New York State and The Federal Government:

This information can support organizations in further developing a defensive strategy for the purpose of strengthening their cyber security:
Lady Liberty-No-Background
NY State Office of Information Technology Services

New York State Office of Information Technology Services - Cyber Security Page

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New York City Emergency Management

Cyber Security Page;
What to Do to Protect Yourself Before a Cyber Attack - General information

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The NY Small Business Development Center

NYSBDC's Cybersecurity for Small Business Webpage - Short and concise information

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Office of the New York State Attorney General Webpage

Small Business Guide to Cybersecurity in New York State - 12 page detailed document

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New York City Office of Technology & Innovation

OTI's Cyber Command Information Page - Initiatives among which New York City's emerging tech sector

Various Federal Government Organizations have stepped in to educate the public:
Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency

Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency Website: Cyber Security Section.

Federal Trade Commission Data Breach Response Online Resource

Federal Trade Commission: Data Breach Response: A Guide for Business

Federal Bureau of Investigation Site on Cyber Crime

FBI: What we investigate – Cyber Crime

HIPPA Communication Platform Requirements

Guidance on How the HIPAA Rules Permit Covered Health Care Providers and Health Plans to Use Remote Communication Technologies for Audio-Only Telehealth. The gist: Only Certified UCaaS providers will ensure compliance.

Frameworks and Providers who can assist:

When working on defensive tactics development, the 3 of the most commonly cited frameworks to adhere to are as follows:
NIST Cyber Security Framework

NIST Cyber Security Framework - Webpage

ISO/IEC 27002 and 27001

ISO/IEC 27002 and 27001 - Webpage

CIS Controls

Center for Internet Security (CIS) Controls - Webpage

From FCX’ YouTube Channel:
thrive pt 2-1

What You Need To Know - Thrive: Work with a professional, not a search engine


Deep Dive – Thrive Cyber Security


Strength and Growth Through Partnership

More Information:

Certain states and federal government entities publish which companies have been breached:
U.S. Departmentof Health and Human Services

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights: Breach Portal

New Jersey Public Data Breaches

New Jersey Cyber Security & Communications Integration Cell: Public Data Breaches

Reported & Published Breaches

State of Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection: Data Breaches

NICCS Glossary of Common Cybersecurity Words (Web Link)

The National Initiative for Cybersecurity Careers and Studies (NICCS) website is the premier online resource for cybersecurity education.

Keeping Humor Alive
Keeping Humor Alive

Further resources:

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Blog - Trends and Tips

Read more in depth information about current Cloud, IT and Telecom topics.

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YouTube Channel

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